Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27th 143a

I did the stupidest thing last night. I accidentally erased the 3rd revision of chapters 1, 2 and 3 of my book, I Am an Old Soul. It really is indicative of my life right now.

I am a fucking mess!

And not like I have been in the past either. OK, well a lot like I was in the past. But just different.

I have never really seen myself as a together guy. Oh, I put up a good front. For years I made it look like I knew what I was doing. I was in a long term relationship. Held down a good job. I even graduated Summa in college.

But I wasn't really fooling anyone, especially me.

I have always been on the outside, looking in. Wanting to be a part of something. Anything, really. When I went in to recovery I finally felt like I had arrived, become part of a healing community. Then the outside looking in bit took over again. I suppose it was because I didn't open up, didn't take a chance, didn't reach out. Even though I was desperately needing to.

Then we got the kids.

And slowly I did start to open up. To take risks. To allow love to come into my heart in a way that I never had before. I was ready and I suppose they knew it. They were ready too, waiting to be loved, wanting to be loved. To be a part of a family. And that is what I created for them.

Lars is looking for his sister again. Sniffing around, going to all of her favorite places.

My heart is breaking as I watch him.

I am a mess now because I can not seem to do anything right.

One of my neighbors said she was so sorry to hear about Sylvia. Before I realized it I had said, "I loved her to death."

Ironic that I said that. A true Freudian slip.

I suppose there is a part of me that believes that is true. Believes that I am toxic. That I will eventually destroy anything that I touch.

I have come up against this before. Many times.

I wonder, is it really possible to love someone to death?

Part of the mess thing is that I am also shutting down. It has been happening since Sylvia died. I remember during those first few days there were times when my breathing gradually slowed down as if I was dying. I remember, I was aware of it too, in the moment. And I didn't fight it. It just felt so natural.
I can feel myself shutting down emotionally as well. Just like how my breath did. It also seems so very natural. I hide it well. Or I would like to think I do. I suspect though many people can see right through my facade. Especially if they look closely.

Generally, I have just painted on smile here, a laugh there, maybe some self deprecating humor. It's all just a front. Just an act.

But who am I doing it for?

Hell if I know.

What is the old saying; "Act as if until it is."

I am trying to act as if. As if I am dealing with her death. As if I am grieving, or at least starting to. But in reality I just do not see it that way. Every time I watch Lars looking that way, searching in vain, my heart dies just a little but more. Every time I have to engage in a special "them" thing with just Lars, I breath just a little more shallow.

I have to say I am fascinated by all of this in a weird sort of way. It is an experience I have never really had before. I have, as I wrote before, lost many many people in my life; but for some reason this is different, unlike anything I have gone through before.

So, will I survive?

It's anyones guess.

Because really, I do not know.

What does it mean if I do not survive?

I do not know the answer to that one either.

I suppose the answers to all of these questions and more will become apparent when they do.

Until then, I think I'll just keep writing.

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